English, 日本語
Violinist Machiko Ozawa, a former concertmaster of Orquesta Sinfonica Sinaloa de las artes, gave her debut recital at the Carnegie Weill Recital Hall as a winner of the Artists International Competition. Subsequently she has performed as a soloist with the C.W. Post Chamber Orchestra, Henry Mancini Festival Orchestra, North Shore Symphony Orchestra, and Orquesta Sinfónica Sinaloa de las Artes, among others. She was appointed concertmaster of the Orquesta Sinfónica Sinaloa de las Artes, a position she served for two years. While she was serving a concertmaster, the orchestra was awarded " Amigos de la Musica" as the best orchestra in Mexico. She has also performed as a tango soloist with the Presidential Symphony Orchestra in Turkey, the Pan American Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C. as well as American Philharmonic Orchestra in California.
As a performing artist, Ms. Ozawa has extended her musicianship to other styles of music, including jazz, Argentine tango, improvisation, and tap dance, among others. In addition, she has created her own style of performance called tapdanceviolin, which has been incorporated in some of her original compositions. She performed Morton Gould's Tap Concerto as a tap dancer soloist with the North Shore Symphony Orchestra. Her M2duo (formally M2O) with pianist Makia Matsumura was a finalist in the New York International Tango Competition. Ms. Ozawa was selected as one of the main cast members in the award winning musical Amor Latino at Thalia Theatre, in which she played as a tapdancer and violinist.
As a composer, Ms. Ozawa has written numerous original compositions. Her first composition “Syrenes” for violin, percussion and orchestra was commissioned and premiered by the North Shore Symphony Orchestra with her as the solo violinist. Ms. Ozawa received an artistic grant from the YAMAHA Foundation and released her first album, Vertical Voyage, in Japan of all original compositions.
As a recording artist, she has credited as a violinist for Erwin Schrott “Rojotango”(SONY CLASSICAL), Placido Domingo “Songs”(SONY CLASSICAL), Aruan Ortiz”Santiarican Blues Suite(Sunnyside Records), Importango”Tango For Import”(Panoramic Recordings), Urban Tango Trio”Urban Tango Trio”(PLATONIC), UA”SUN”(Victor Entertainment), among others.
In 2008, Ms. Ozawa has formed her own tango group, Urban Tango Trio, with Argentine pianist Octavio Brunetti and bassist Pedro Giraudo. The Urban Tango Trio released their first album, Urban Tango Trio, by Platonic Record in 2011 in Japan. The trio has dazzled the audiences throughout U.S. and Japan. It made The Washington Post says " an endearing blend of high-powered music-making and coltish enthusiasm" , The Latina Magazine in Japan says " Their renditions of Piazzolla were superb. . . urban and intelligent, with a splendid rush of musical vigor.” In addition, she also has performed with renowned tango players and groups, such as Pablo Ziegler, Forever Tango with Victor Lavallen, Hector Del Curto’s Eternal Tango, Fernando Otero and Octavio Brunetti at major venues in U.S. such as Blue Note New York, Jazz Standard, Lincoln Center, Kennedy Center Performing Arts, Mondavi Center, Winter Garden at Financial Center, Joe's Pub and Highline Ballroom.
Ms. Ozawa received her formal training from The Juilliard School, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and Tokyo National University of the Arts (Tokyo Gei Dai). She has studied with Yfrah Neaman, Lewis Kaplan, Masao Kawasaki, Takashi Shimizu, Chikashi Tanaka, Takayoshi Wanami, and Shigeru Toyama. She has given numerous solo recitals in U.S. and Japan at major venues such as Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, Merkin Concert Hall, Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, and Nikkei Hall, among others. She has performed in chamber music groups and orchestras at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall and Alice Tully Hall, Barbican Center, Bellas Artes, Symphony Space, GW Lisner Auditorium, and Mondavi Center.
Ms. Ozawa was an Artinst-In-Residence of S&R Foundation in 2015-2016 season. She is a Yamaha Performing Artist and plays on Yamaha's electric violin, YEV-104NT.
卒業後、メキシコ・シナロア州立交響楽団第一コンサートマスターとしてメキシコで活躍。プラチド・ドミンゴや、Banda el Recodo等多くのミュージシャンと共演する。又、コンサートマスター時代、同オーケストラがメキシコベストオーケストラに与えられる「Amigos de la Musica」を受賞。
2002年、米アーティストインターナショナル主催コンクールで優勝、カーネギーワイルリサイタルホールでソロデビュー以来、ソリスト、チェンバープレイヤーとして幅広く活躍。独自のスタイル「タップヴァイオリン」を開発、その自由な発想はタップダンサー/ヴァイオリニストとして、ニューヨーク/オフブロードウェイのアワード受賞ミュージカル「AMOR LATINO」へキャスト出演(2009)や、 North Shore Symphony Orchestraと、 Morton Gould作曲のタップダンスコンチェルトを 共演(2007)等、ユニークな活躍にみられる。2008年、自身のタンゴトリオ「アーバン・タンゴ・トリオ」をアルゼンチン出身のピアニスト、オクタービオ・ブルーネッティ、ベーシスト、ペドロ・ジラウドと結成。以来、タンゴヴァイオリニストとして幅広く活躍する。ピアソラのクインテットで活躍したPable Zieglerの 「Beyoud Tango」、オペラスターErwin Schrottのアルバム(ソニー)「ROJOTANGO」に参加。また、タンゴソリストとして、Presidencial Symphony Orchestra, Pan American Symphony Orchestra, American Philharmonic Orchestra等と共演。2011年2月には待望の初アルバム「URABN TANGO TRIO」を PLATONIC RECORDよりリリース。2012年以降、米ワシントンDCのS&Rファンデーションのアーティストとして“Overtures”コンサートシリーズに出演、ケネディセンター等で演奏し成功を収める。その模様は米ワシントンポスト紙に絶賛される。
ヴァイオリンを、故田中千香士、清水高師、清水厚師、外山滋、和波孝禧、故坂内牧子、霜佐紀子、故Yfrah Neaman, Lewis Kaplan,川崎雅夫の各氏に、室内楽をJonathan Feldman , Earl Carless , Eugene Becker , Joseph Kalichsteinの各氏に師事。
Octavio Brunetti and Machiko Ozawa, Nikkei Hall - photo by Mariko Irie